Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mexico overview


Area: 1,964,375 sq km, of which 1,959,248 sq km are continental and 5,127 sq km are islands.
Population: 112million (census 2011)
Capital City: Mexico City (Metropolitan area 22.1million est. 2012)
People: The people of Mexico today are a mixture of descendants from Spanish and other immigrants, mainly Europeans, who settled in Mexico from the 16th century onwards, and mestizos (mixed European and indigenous ancestry), as well as the many indigenous groups.
Languages: The official language is Spanish. There are at least 62 indigenous languages.
Religion(s): Roman Catholic 89%, Protestant 6%, other denominations 5%.
Currency: Mexican Peso, divided into 100 centavos
Major Political Parties: Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).
Government: Mexico has a Federal republic system of government covering the 31 states and the Federal District of Mexico with powers separated into 3 branches: independent executive (President), legislative (Congress) and judicial (Supreme Court of Justice, federal and local systems). The President is elected for a 6-year term and may not hold office a second time.

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