Sunday, November 18, 2012

Soccer in Mexico

One of the most important things you don't want to miss in Mexico is going to a soccer game.

Soccer is one of the most important sports in Mexico, and going to the stadium to watch a game is must do in Mexico. Wherever you travel in Mexico, most of the main places have a soccer team, or you can easily travel to a nearby city.

Why is it a such important thing to do? Well, people in Mexico get really passionate with soccer, they honor and represent their team at the maximum level. In the stadium you will see people cheering and standing up the whole game. They have songs that they sing all the time during the game. They also have the famous "Ola" (Wave) where all the stadium stand up and raise their hands representing a wave.

If you are traveling in Mexico, you don't want to miss this experience. It will be worth it.

If you are in Mexico City, you need to go to a game of "America". If you are in Guadalajara, you will see the "Chivas" playing, and if you are in Monterrey, you can watch the "Rayados".

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